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Jumat, 16 April 2010

coordinat conjunction


  1. And : menyatakan augmentation (penambahan) yg positif/negative

  2. Nor : augmentation negative

  3. Or / choice (pilihan)

  4. But : contrast (bertentangan) yg adversative (kuat) dan concessive (lemah)

  5. Yet : contrast concessive

  6. For : karena, reason (alasan)

  7. So : sehingga, result (hasil)

Examples :

  1. I have a book and pens

  2. I don’t have books nor pens

  3. I will bring books or pens

  4. I am handsome bug he is not handsome (adver)

  5. I am handsome but lazy (concess)

  6. I’m handsome yet lazy

  7. I go to school for getting knowledge

  8. I don’t have money so I go to the bank