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Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013

Mahasiswa Tingkat Galau

lamlekum assalamualaikum everyone.....
ini saya galau sekali karena sedang mencari-cari sebuah rumus, yang pasti bukan rumus untuk membuat kue. aahhhh galau segalau"nya, gatau juga ini sebenernya mau nulis apa, karena ga nemu" rumus akhirnya saya yang bernama nadia berlari mengunjungi blog tercintahh.
kali ini ngomongnya serius deh. jleb. mulaaaiii....!!!
eeemmmm terkadang suka mikir ya "jadi dia enak ya, dia punya kelebihan inilah itulah, dia pinter, dia beruntung, bla bla bla" tapi pernah mikir ga kalo kita sendiri pun sebenernya beruntung. karena apa? karena kita telah diciptakan TUHAN sebagai mahluk-Nya yang paling mulia. memang selalu berbeda sih sama yang lain, tapi harus yakin juga kalau kita punya sesuatu yang orang lain tidak punya. Ga boleh sombong juga yaa, harusnya kita bisa berbagi sama yang lain.
Boleh aja iri sama kelebihan orang lain, dalam arti kata irinya kita harus kita jadikan semangat untuk kita bisa belajar dari kelebihan orang lain. Jadi diri sendiri pun sudah lebih dari cukup tapi jangan lupa juga untuk selalu berprilaku baik terhadap sesama.
Be your self friends ;-)

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Black and white

Black and white, a colour which is always nearby. There will be no white when there is no black. Each time someone rate that black is bad, ugly, dreary, but something that white would not be complete if no black. Yes, though not always the white with black. Black has many meanings, from the black that we could find out a lot of things, we can get the meaning. However we do not misinterpreting black. Life is always full of colors, of course we never get black color in our lives. Maybe when we get black color in our lives, we find it very difficult to face black. But instead of black that is what makes us strong, that makes us get a new meaning, which makes us more excitement. Like a blank white paper, we can only judge that it is a pure paper, without any mixture of any kind. However, when we put the white paper with black ink and paper it will look crowded. From the white paper that has been tainted by the black ink would produce a Word, could even be a sentence containing the meaning. That's the black will always be a complement for white.

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

hate to miss someone

One night I stand I remind of you
Our hope and dream
Tears in my eyes
When you gone so fast
When I realized you know I can be perfect

I fall from you
You make me like I can't stand with you
You make me like I can't live with you
I can't hold your hand
So please don't let me down

I try to be a stronger
When I know everything over
Everytime I feel
Everyday I think
I never see you once again

I know I can't be stronger
Even I try to forget you
Oh no I missing you
I need It's you

So please don't make me feel like
I keep you in my heart

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013


1. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions _________
a. Because he was afraid it would incriminate him
b. For fear that they will incriminate him
c. Because he was afraid that his answer would incriminate him
d. Fearing that will be incriminated by it
The Correct Answer is C
The Reason is :
• Answer A : Style error. There is no antecedent for the pronoun it.
• Answer B : 2 style errors. Refused … will is an incorrect sequence of tense; There is no antecedent for the pronoun they.
• Answer D : 2 style errors. There is an incorrect sequence of tense; There is no antecedent for the pronoun it.
2. Mrs. Walker has returned______
a. A wallet back to its original owner
b. To its original owner the wallet
c. The wallet to its originally owner
d. The wallet to its original owner
The Correct Answer is D
The Reason is :
• Answer A : Style error. It is redundant to say return … back.
• Answer B : Grammar error. When the indirect object precedes the direct object, no preposition is possible.
• Answer C : Grammar error. Originally is an adverb and is not correct because it modifies the noun owner.
3. The hospital owes______for the construction of the new wing.
a. The government twenty million dollars
b. For the government twenty millions dollars
c. To the government twenty million dollars
d. Twenty millions of dollars to the government
The Correct Answer is A
The Reason is :
• Answer B : 2 grammar errors. It is not correct to use a preposition when the indirect object precedes the direct object; when million is preceded by a number, it cannot be plural (one million, two million).
• Answer C : Grammar error. It is not correct to use a preposition when the indirect object precedes the direct object.
• Answer D : 2 grammar errors. When million is preceded by a number, it cannot be plural, and when million is preceded by a number and followed by a noun, the preposition of is incorrect.
4. Sarah ______ that she could not attend classes next week.
a. Told to her professors
b. Sald her professors
c. Told her professors
d. Is telling her professors
The Correct Answer is C
The Reason is :
The sentence in accordance with the questions.
5. The artist was asked to show some paintings at the contest because ______
a. He painted very good
b. They believed he painted well
c. If their belief that he was an good artist
d. The judges had been told of his talents
The Correct Answer is B
The Reason is :
Of the four answers provided the most appropriate structure is the answer B because after the verb (painted) takes an adverb (well) not an adjective.
6. If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations, they will be stopped,ticketed, and
                                 A           B                               C
have to pay a fine.
The Incorrect Answer is (D), Should be fined. For parallel structure, all past participles are required.
7. Fred, who usually conducts the choir rehearsals, did not show up last night because he
                                                           A                                 B
had an accident on his way to the practice.
 C                                       D
The Incorrect Answer is (C), should be had had. The past perfect should be used; the accident happened first.
8. A short time before her operation last month, Mrs. Carlye dreams of her daughter
             A                                         B                                     C
who lives overcast.
The Incorrect Answer is (C), should be dreamed. Use past time because it happened last month.
9. The atmosphere in Andalucia is open, warm and gives a welcome
                                     A                                                      B
feeling to all who have the good fortune to visit here.
                     C                 D
The Incorrect Answer is (B), should be welcoming. For parallel structure, all adjectives are required.
10. Some of the people were standing in the street watched the parade, while others were
                   A                            B                             C                                     D
singing songs.
The Incorrect Answer is (C), should be watching. Were standing … watching is correct parallel structure.